Totally Catholic Youth Ministers Lounge

Are you in youth ministry and you've had it with crazed parents? Rollin' your eyes at the pastoral council? Tired of administration work? Love youth? Love the Church? Appalled at parish politics? Looking for some good games? For a creative ways to teach a lesson for Religious Ed? Just need a place to veg out and say "phew! Someone outside of the parish to talk to!"? Grab y'r Starbucks, turn the computer away from the staff's eyes, grab a seat on a donated dusty couch and let it all go.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Can You See Me Now?

Em said that on her browser the left side there was all smushed to the bottom. However, it looks fine on mine (I am on a mac using Firefox), so I wouldn't know where to fix the problem.

How does it look on yours?

Any tech help out there?



Blogger Jenn said...

Sorry to say that it is all squished on the bottom on my computer (Dell with Explorere browser). One must love technology!

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As of this morning, it is back to the way it was. Mine was smooshed at the bottom also but, it has returned to the side now.

10:56 AM  

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